20221208 centreTalks John Dunsterville

Some tickets will be available on the door. An evening of great nostalgic songs and stories featuring John 'Dusty' Dunsterville and friends. This musical talk will be on Saturday 25th November.


John, AKA ‘Dusty’ tells and sings the story through songs and anecdotes of his fifty years as a lead and session guitarist. John has played and entertained audiences from 10 to 100,000 and more, so here are tales of tours, groups, musicians, clubs, festivals, studios, radio and TV broadcasts, the break-ups and break-downs of the music world.

He has met and played with many household names and has enjoyed the mad lifestyle rock music brings! Even though he’s been in the business a long time now, he still has a youthful impish sense of humour and is an active musician. Expect to hear some great nostalgic songs and crazy stories of his life from an aspiring little boy, to a full musician’s life on the road.

Expect to hear some great nostalgic songs and crazy stories!


20221208-centreTalks-John Dunsterville

Starts at 20:00 @ Bourne End Community Centre.
Tickets £7 (£8 if not a Community Centre member) can be booked online or obtained from the Community Centre Officer.

This is a fund raising activity of Bourne End (Bucks) Community Association.

Book Tickets Here


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