Availability: 0

The New Royalty - The Great Escaper

Countdown to Reservations End Date


Event Details

Reservations Until:17/03/2024 13:00
Starts on:17/03/2024 14:00
Ends on:17/03/2024 16:20
Location:Bourne End Community Centre, Wakeman Road, Bourne End, Bucks SL8 5SX


This was Glenda Jackson's last film before she died and Michael Caine says this was his final film. Based on the true story that made national news about pensioner Bernard Jordan who, in 2014, absconded from his care home in Hove, Sussex to attend an event in France marking the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings.

The New Royalty Cinema screenings are at the centreCinema in Bourne End Community Centre, Wakeman Road, Bourne End SL8 5SX

This film is BBFC classified as 12A. For information on the BBFC film classifications: Click Here

The New Royalty Cinema is a community cinema run by volunteers as a fund-raising event for Bourne End (Bucks) Community Association, a charity registered in England and Wales No. 300236