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For our November meeting Mike Dewey will talk about ordinary people from Wycombe who have led extra-ordinary lives. This meeting is on Tuesday 12th Nov starting at 19:45 (Doors open at 19:30) in the Eghams Room at Bourne End Community Centre..



Mike Dewey is well known for his involvement in the "Sharing Wycombe's Old Photos" project or SWOP and is also a past trustee of Bucks Family History Society.


Wycombe chair arch


This is a talk run by the Buckinghamshire Family History Society in the Eghams Room at Bourne End Community Centre starting at 19:45 (doors open at 19:30).

Visitors are very welcome. Entrance is free for members or £2 for non-members (or why not take out an annual membership from as little as £6).

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