Sargeant Pepper album cover thumbnail

Return visit of Dave The Beatle this time with "Buddy Horly" on Wednesday 28th March at 20:00





Dave Horton, originally from Liverpool, has always been a Beatles fan. An accomplished musician playing guitar, drums and bass, he has turned his talents to creating this unique one-man tribute to the Beatles. Join Dave for a fantastic evening of Beatles songs and nostalgia with special guest Buddy Horly.

Book Tickets Here




The Beatle and Buddly Live Tribute Show poster

Bar opens 19:00, Doors open 19:30, starts at 20:00  @ Bourne End Community Centre.
Tickets £7 (£8 if not a Community Centre member) can be booked online or obtained from the Community Centre Office.

This is a fund raising activity of Bourne End (Bucks) Community Association.

Book Tickets Here


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