BEBCA Logo 180Every year The Short Mat Bowls Section holds a friendly competition between the highest scoring members of our Monday night bowlers and Tuesday night bowlers. Throughout the year, members have their scores tallied after each session and a running total is kept. At the end of the year, the highest scoring man and woman from each evening then play against each other for the winners shield. This is called our end of year round robin competition.

BEBCA Logo 180Every year The Short Mat Bowls Section holds a friendly competition between the highest scoring members of our Monday night bowlers and Tuesday night bowlers. Throughout the year, members have their scores tallied after each session and a running total is kept. At the end of the year, the highest scoring man and woman from each evening then play against each other for the winners shield. This is called our end of year round robin competition.

Short Mat Bowls thumbnailGreat fun was had at our end of year celebrations with an afternoon playing skittles, hoops and target bowls.

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