Category: Short Mat Bowls Club

BEBCA Logo 180Every year The Short Mat Bowls Section holds a friendly competition between the highest scoring members of our Monday night bowlers and Tuesday night bowlers. Throughout the year, members have their scores tallied after each session and a running total is kept. At the end of the year, the highest scoring man and woman from each evening then play against each other for the winners shield. This is called our end of year round robin competition.

This year the totals were very close but Paul Hurley from the Monday nights played Bill Hudson from Tuesday nights and after a hard-fought match, Paul was the overall winner.

Bill Hudson (left) and Paul Hurley (right)


 Pauil Hurley (right) receiving the mens round robin trophy from Roger Gould (left)


 The ladies with the highest scores were Janet Gould from Monday night and Monica Hickman from Tuesday night. This again was a very close match and they were equal at 3 all when Janet managed to win the 5th and final end by bowling two good woods making the total 5-3 to her. 


Monica Hickman (left) and Janet Gould (right)



Janet Gould receiving the  ladies round robin trophy from Roger Gould

The Bourne End Short Mat Bowls Club are actively looking for new members to join them. We currently meet on Monday and Tuesday evenings at Bourne End Community Centre from 7.15pm until 9.30 pm. However, we are looking at setting up an afternoon bowling session which may suit some people better. The cost is £4.00 per session plus an annual membership fee of £15.00 and an annual subscription to the Bourne End Community Association.

We are able to lend bowls and offer free tuition. The first three sessions are free. Footwear must have flat soles and be changed at the venue to protect the mats.
We are a friendly bunch and really look forward to hearing from you by clicking the link below or just pop in when we are playing to enquire. Please note that we do not meet on the first Tuesday each month.

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