What's On

There are many events going on organised by the Community Association and taking place in the Community Centre

BEBCA Repair Cafe Logo 100px

We are expecting to start a Repair Café at Bourne End Community Centre in the spring and will be holding a meeting on 21 Feb 2025.

Sargeant Pepper album cover thumbnail

Return visit of Dave The Beatle this time with "Buddy Horly" on Wednesday 28th March at 20:00

movie poster thumbnailWonka is the chocolate covered movie that hits The New Royalty Cinema on Sunday 16th March at 14:00.

20240618 centreRock Gary RomanThis event looks like being a sell out so it is very unlikely there will be any tickets available on the door. Please book now to avoid disappointment. centreRock continues in February with the return of Gary Roman reliving the music of Elvis and other legends from the 50s 60s and 70s. centreRock is on February 18th at 19:45 in the centreBar

Cocktails for 2 thumbnail

Join us on Valentine's evening with "Cocktails for 2" and be transported back to the pre war clubs. Friday 14th February

movie poster thumbnailOur February film, Evil Under the Sun, is a tribute to Dame Maggie Smith and will be screened on Sunday 16th February at 14:00.

Fun Night Santa

Bourne End's very own Fun Night will be on Friday 6th December starting at 16:00. As usual it will be in The Parade, Wakeman Road, the Library and the Community Centre.

Tea cups

Lets start the new year with something different - a tea dance on the afternoon of Sunday 5th Jan - all welcome.

dixswk thumbn“It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that swing”. centreJazz on 3rd December at the Community Centre hash a welcome return from the celebrated Dixieland Swing Kings.

Christmas TreeThe Community Association's 46th Annual Carol Concert will be held in the May Woollerton Hall at Bourne End Community Centre on Sunday 22nd December at 19:45. This is a free event - no ticket required.

movie poster thumbnailOur January screening is the Korean film "Past Lives" at The New Royalty Cinema on Saturday 11th January at 19:00.

movie poster thumbnailOur Christmas film is "The Holiday" screened at The New Royalty Cinema on Monday 30th December at 14:00.

Race Night thumbnailSorry but there were not enough runners and riders so this event has been cancelled. Ticket money will be refunded in the next few days.



This website is copyright Bourne End (Bucks) Community Association and contributors. Copyright 2016 - today